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Investigating women's awareness and perceptions on human papillomavirus infection and oropharyngeal cancer in Italy.

作者: Giovanna Paduano, Sara Vaienna, Giuseppe Maisto, Gabriella Di Giuseppe, Maria Pavia


这项研究探讨了在就诊初级医疗服务的妇女中对人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染和口咽癌(OPC)的知识、态度和行为。这项横断面研究于2022年9月至12月在意大利的三个初级医疗服务中进行,邀请成年妇女填写一个自行填写的问卷。总体而言,34.7%的参与者知道OPC与HPV相关;知识水平在个人、家庭或朋友经历过癌症的妇女中较高,并且在经常就医看牙的妇女中也较高,而年龄较大的妇女中则较低。26.4%的妇女对自身患上OPC的风险有高度认识,其中在曾经有性传播疾病经历、知道早期性行为是OPC的危险因素,以及认为牙医在提供关于OPC的信息方面有用的妇女中更高。只有22.5%的人接种过HPV疫苗,但62%的人打算将来接种。此外,63.2%的人认为HPV疫苗非常有用以预防OPC,只有27%的人担心HPV疫苗的健康后果。这些研究结果表明,妇女对HPV感染在OPC发展中的作用认识不足,并强调牙医在提高患者对HPV相关OPC认识方面可能起到的作用。Copyright © 2023 Paduano, Vaienna, Maisto, Di Giuseppe and Pavia.
This study explored knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) among women attending primary care services.The cross-sectional study was conducted from September to December 2022 in adult women attending three primary care services in Italy, who were invited to complete a self-administered questionnaire.Overall, 34.7% of participants know that OPC is HPV-associated; knowledge was higher among women who had personal, familiar or friends' experience of cancer, and who reported to often seek dental care, whereas it was lower in older women. The perception of risk of developing OPC was high for 26.4% of women and was higher in those who had experienced STD, who knew that early sexual debut is a risk factor for OPC, and who considered useful the role of dentists on the provision of information about OPC. Only 22.5% had received HPV vaccination, but 62% intended to receive it in the future. Moreover, 63.2% believe that HPV vaccination is very useful to prevent OPC and only 27% are concerned about health consequences of HPV vaccination.These findings indicate that women's awareness of the role of HPV infection in the development of OPC is not satisfactory and underline the role that dentists might have in improving their patients' awareness on HPV related OPC.Copyright © 2023 Paduano, Vaienna, Maisto, Di Giuseppe and Pavia.