Challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of pure non-gestational uterine choriocarcinoma in a child: a case report.
发表日期:2024 Jul 15
Faisol Darmawan, Aditya Rifqi Fauzi, Rogatianus Bagus Pratignyo, Pieri Kumaladewi, Andrini Esha Rahmadanty, Andreas Niko Santhony, Hanggoro Tri Rinonce, Gunadi
由于其罕见性和非特异性影像学表现,诊断儿童非妊娠子宫绒毛膜癌具有挑战性。在此,我们报告一例儿童非妊娠子宫绒毛膜癌,在剖腹探查过程中意外发现,并经组织病理学检查结果证实。然而,肿瘤对化疗没有反应。一名4岁的印度尼西亚女性患者因阴道流血被送入急诊室。入院前4个月,她患有阴道斑点。体检发现左侧腰部腹部膨隆,可触及表面光滑的固定肿块。腹部计算机断层扫描显示有一个大肿块(10 × 6 × 12 cm),具有液体密度和钙化。因此,我们怀疑左侧卵巢畸胎瘤。患者的黄体生成素、卵泡刺激素和乳酸脱氢酶水平分别为 25.2 mIU/ml、0.1 mIU/ml 和 406 U/l。根据临床和放射学检查结果,我们决定进行剖腹探查术,发现肿瘤来自子宫,而不是卵巢。我们没有观察到肝脏结节和腹部淋巴结肿大。随后,我们进行了子宫切除术。组织病理学结果支持绒毛膜癌的诊断。患者于术后第 5 天平安出院。此后,患者接受了 9 个周期的化疗,包括卡铂(600 mg/m2 IV)、依托泊苷(120 mg/m2 IV)和博莱霉素(15 mg/m2 IV)。然而,根据可触及肿块和部分肠梗阻的临床表现,在第九个周期的化疗后不久,肿瘤就复发了。目前,患者正在再次接受化疗。虽然单纯的非妊娠子宫绒毛膜癌很少见,但应将其作为儿童腹内肿瘤的鉴别诊断之一,以便更好地指导和咨询家属的手术方案和预后, 分别。在本病例中,患者对化疗的反应很差,这意味着非妊娠绒毛膜癌的治疗仍然具有挑战性,特别是在儿科人群中。© 2024。作者。
Diagnosing non-gestational uterine choriocarcinoma in children is challenging because of its rarity and nonspecific imaging findings. Herein, we report a case of non-gestational uterine choriocarcinoma in a child, which was unexpectedly found during exploratory laparotomy and confirmed by histopathological findings. However, the tumor did not respond to chemotherapy.A 4-year-old Indonesian female patient was brought into the emergency unit with chief complaint of vaginal bleeding. She had suffered from vaginal spotting 4 months before being admitted to the hospital. Physical examination revealed a distended abdomen in the left lumbar region and a palpable fixed mass with a smooth surface. Abdominal computed tomography scans revealed a large mass (10 × 6 × 12 cm) with fluid density and calcification. Thus, we suspected left ovarian teratoma. The patient's luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and lactate dehydrogenase levels were 25.2 mIU/ml, 0.1 mIU/ml, and 406 U/l, respectively. According to the clinical and radiological findings, we decided to perform an exploratory laparotomy and found a tumor originating from the uterus, not the ovarium. We did not observe liver nodules and any enlargement of abdominal lymph nodes. Subsequently, we performed hysterectomy. The histopathological findings supported the diagnosis of choriocarcinoma. The patient was discharged uneventfully on postoperative day 5. Thereafter, the patient underwent nine cycles of chemotherapy, including carboplatin (600 mg/m2 IV), etoposide (120 mg/m2 IV), and bleomycin (15 mg/m2 IV). However, on the basis of the clinical findings of a palpable mass and partial intestinal obstruction, the tumor relapsed soon after the ninth cycle of chemotherapy. Currently, the patient is undergoing chemotherapy again.Although pure non-gestational uterine choriocarcinoma is rare, it should be considered as one of the differential diagnoses for intraabdominal tumors in a child, so as to better guide and counsel families regarding the surgical plan and prognosis, respectively. In the present case, the patient's response to chemotherapy was poor, implying that the treatment of non-gestational choriocarcinoma is still challenging, particularly in the pediatric population.© 2024. The Author(s).