A rare pathology in the neck: Hydatid cyst.
Gulistan Huriye Bozdag Baskaya
Parasites & Vectors
颈部囊肿可分为先天性、感染性炎症和肿瘤性。包虫病是由棘球绦虫引起的寄生虫感染,常见于肝脏和肺部,即使在流行地区,头颈部也很少见。如果不治疗,可能会出现危及生命的情况。本研究通过查阅文献,介绍一例因颈部直径约8 cm的囊性病变而手术治疗的包虫囊肿病例。
Neck cysts can be classified as congenital, infectious-inflammatory, and neoplastic. Hydatid disease is a parasitic infection caused by Echinococcus, is usually seen in the liver and lung and, is rare in the head and neck region even in endemic areas. If not treated, a life-threatening condition may be encountered. In this study, a case of hydatid cyst operated due to a cystic lesion with a diameter of approximately 8 cm in the neck was presented by reviewing the literature.