2022 年 PSOGI 关于腹膜恶性肿瘤 HIPEC 治疗方案的国际共识:腹膜假粘液瘤。
The 2022 PSOGI International Consensus on HIPEC Regimens for Peritoneal Malignancies: Pseudomyxoma Peritonei.
发表日期:2024 Jul 15
Shigeki Kusamura, Jean-Baptiste Delhorme, Abdelkader Taibi, Laurent Villeneuve, Marcello Deraco, Rea Lo Dico, Olivier Glehen, Brendan Moran
细胞减灭术(CRS)和腹腔热灌注化疗(HIPEC)的结合构成了腹膜假粘液瘤患者的既定护理标准。然而,HIPEC 的作用缺乏随机试验的验证,导致提出的治疗方案多种多样。该共识旨在标准化 HIPEC 方案并确定研究重点以提高清晰度。指导委员会应用患者、干预、比较和结果方法来制定关键的临床问题。证据评估遵循建议分级、评估、制定和评估系统。通过国际专家参与的两轮 Delphi 流程,就 HIPEC 方案和研究重点达成共识。在 90 名符合资格的小组成员中,71 人 (79%) 参加了两轮 Delphi,最终就与 HIPEC 相关的七个问题中的六个达成了共识治疗方案。压倒性的 84% 的积极共识赞成将 HIPEC 与 CRS 结合起来,而 70% 的弱积极共识支持在不完整的 CRS 后进行 HIPEC。特定的 HIPEC 方案也获得了共识,53% 的人支持奥沙利铂 200 mg/m2,51% 的人赞成顺铂 (CDDP) 与丝裂霉素 C (MMC) 联合使用。高剂量 MMC 方案获得 89% 的积极推荐。在研究重点方面,61% 的小组成员强调了比较 CRS 后 HIPEC 方案的研究的重要性。此类研究的首选方案是CDDP/MMC和高剂量MMC的组合。根据现有证据,共识建议在CRS后应用HIPEC。 CDDP/MMC 和高剂量 MMC 方案的组合得到了当前临床实践和未来研究工作的认可。© 2024。外科肿瘤学会。
The combination of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) constitutes the established standard of care for pseudomyxoma peritonei patients. However, the role of HIPEC lacks validation through randomized trials, leading to diverse proposed treatment protocols. This consensus seeks to standardize HIPEC regimens and identify research priorities for enhanced clarity.The steering committee applied the patient, intervention, comparator, and outcome method to formulate crucial clinical questions. Evaluation of evidence followed the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system. Consensus on HIPEC regimens and research priorities was sought through a two-round Delphi process involving international experts.Out of 90 eligible panelists, 71 (79%) participated in both Delphi rounds, resulting in a consensus on six out of seven questions related to HIPEC regimens. An overwhelming 84% positive consensus favored combining HIPEC with CRS, while a 70% weak positive consensus supported HIPEC after incomplete CRS. Specific HIPEC regimens also gained consensus, with 53% supporting Oxaliplatin 200 mg/m2 and 51% favoring the combination of cisplatin (CDDP) associated with mitomycin-C (MMC). High-dose MMC regimens received an 89% positive recommendation. In terms of research priorities, 61% of panelists highlighted the importance of studies comparing HIPEC regimens post CRS. The preferred regimens for such studies were the combination of CDDP/MMC and high-dose MMC.The consensus recommends the application of HIPEC following CRS based on the available evidence. The combination of CDDP/MMC and high-dose MMC regimens are endorsed for both current clinical practice and future research efforts.© 2024. Society of Surgical Oncology.