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评估 Sysmex DI-60 集成载玻片处理系统对血液学差异周转时间和患者护理的影响:大型退伍军人事务部医院的实际实施经验。

Evaluating the Sysmex DI-60 Integrated Slide Processing System's impact on hematology differential turnaround times and patient care: Real-world implementation experience in a large Veterans Affairs hospital.

发表日期:2024 Jul 19
作者: Cory R Lundgren


这项质量改进研究在密苏里州堪萨斯城的堪萨斯城 VA 医疗中心进行,调查了 Sysmex DI-60 集成载玻片处理系统在融入日常实践时改善血液学周转时间的能力。它进一步解决了与周转时间变化相关的潜在患者护理因素。在 2022 年 5 月至 2023 年 2 月期间检查了三个月的手册和 Sysmex DI-60 患者数据。白细胞 (WBC) 范围、周转时间、工作时间和研究使用 2 尾未配对 t 检验和百分比变化对月份进行分析。使用 2 尾、2 样本比例测试进一步分析了这些类别中的样本数量。这项质量改进研究表明,Sysmex DI-60 系统总体上以及各种范围的 WBC 加工作的周转时间在统计上显着缩短轮班。当 WBC 浓度低于 2.0 × 103/μL 且浓度在参考范围内时,周转时间在统计上最显着的改善。此外,下班时间的周转时间也得到了显着改善。Sysmex DI-60 系统大大缩短了差异化的周转时间,从而通过提供及时的结果潜在地有利于患者护理。缩短周转时间可能会加快急诊科的入院和出院速度,并加强对肿瘤科患者的护理。它还可以为 Sysmex 分析仪显示假阳性的患者提供更及时的结果,这也可能有助于临床医生的决策。© 作者 2024。由牛津大学出版社代表美国临床学会出版病理。版权所有。如需商业重复使用,请联系 reprints@oup.com 获取转载和转载的翻译权。所有其他权限都可以通过我们网站文章页面上的权限链接通过我们的 RightsLink 服务获得 - 如需了解更多信息,请联系journals.permissions@oup.com。
This quality improvement study conducted at the Kansas City VA Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri, investigated the Sysmex DI-60 Integrated Slide Processing System's ability to improve hematology turnaround times when integrated into daily practices. It further addressed potential patient care factors associated with changes in turnaround times.Three months of manual and Sysmex DI-60 patient data were examined between May 2022 and February 2023. White blood cell (WBC) ranges, turnaround times, working hours, and study months were analyzed using 2-tailed unpaired t testing and percentage change. The number of specimens in these categories was further analyzed using 2-tailed, 2-sample proportion testing.This quality improvement study indicated that the Sysmex DI-60 system produced a statisitcally significant reduction in turnaround times overall and for various ranges of WBCs plus work shifts. The most statistically significant improvement in turnaround times occurred for WBC concentrations less than 2.0 × 103/µL and concentrations within the reference range. In addition, the off shifts experienced a notable improvement in turnaround times.The Sysmex DI-60 system substantially decreases turnaround times for differentials, thus potentially benefiting patient care by providing prompt results. It is possible that reducing turnaround times could expedite emergency department admissions and discharges as well as enhance care for the oncology department's patients. It could also lead to more timely results for patients with false-positive flags by the Sysmex analyzer, which may also help with clinician decision-making.© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of American Society for Clinical Pathology. All rights reserved. For commercial re-use, please contact reprints@oup.com for reprints and translation rights for reprints. All other permissions can be obtained through our RightsLink service via the Permissions link on the article page on our site—for further information please contact journals.permissions@oup.com.