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侵袭性筛状腺大小和百分比在格里森评分 7 分的前列腺腺癌中的预后意义。

Prognostic significance of invasive cribriform gland size and percentage in Gleason score 7 prostate adenocarcinoma.

发表日期:2024 Aug 09
作者: Emel Tekin, Nazlı Sena Şeker, Ata Özen, Mustafa Fuat Açıkalın, Cavit Can, Ertuğrul Çolak


筛状腺与前列腺腺癌的较差预后有关。我们的目的是评估格里森评分 7 分的前列腺腺癌中筛状腺的百分比和最大侵袭性筛状腺的大小的预后作用。研究了侵袭性筛状腺的存在、百分比和大小,并研究了它们与预后因素的关联。对 177 例 2 级和 3 级前列腺腺癌进行了评估。在筛状腺百分比大于 10% 的病例中以及在最大侵入性筛状腺尺寸大于 10% 的病例中,生化无复发生存率显着较低(P < .001)。 0.5 毫米(P < .001)。平均最大筛状腺大小和百分比与更晚期的 pT 状态、淋巴结转移、生化复发和较高的术前前列腺特异性抗原值具有统计学显着相关性。我们的研究结果表明,筛状腺的存在会增加此类筛状腺的百分比模式,以及给定肿瘤内最大筛状腺尺寸的增加与不良预后相关。我们建议,对于侵入性筛状腺大于 0.5 毫米且筛状腺百分比大于 10% 的 2 级和 3 级病例,可能需要采取更积极的临床方法,特别是在前列腺穿刺活检标本中。© 作者 2024 . 由牛津大学出版社代表美国临床病理学会出版。版权所有。如需商业重复使用,请联系 reprints@oup.com 获取转载和转载的翻译权。所有其他权限都可以通过我们网站文章页面上的权限链接通过我们的 RightsLink 服务获得 - 如需了解更多信息,请联系journals.permissions@oup.com。
Cribriform glands are linked to poorer outcomes in prostate adenocarcinoma. We aimed to assess the prognostic role of the percentage of cribriform glands and the size of the largest invasive cribriform gland in Gleason score 7 prostate adenocarcinomas.The presence, percentage, and size of the invasive cribriform glands were investigated and their association with prognostic factors were assessed in 177 Grade Groups 2 and 3 prostate adenocarcinomas.Biochemical recurrence-free survival was statistically significantly lower in cases with a cribriform gland percentage greater than 10% (P < .001) and in cases where the largest invasive cribriform gland size was greater than 0.5 mm (P < .001). Mean largest cribriform gland size and percentage were statistically significant associated with more advanced pT status, lymph node metastasis, biochemical recurrence, and higher preoperative prostate-specific antigen values.Our findings suggest that the presence of a cribriform pattern, increases in the percentage of such patterns, and increases in the size of the largest cribriform gland within a given tumor are associated with poor prognosis. We suggest that a more aggressive clinical approach may be needed in Grade Group 2 and 3 cases with invasive cribriform glands larger than 0.5 mm and a cribriform gland percentage greater than 10%, especially in prostate needle biopsy specimens.© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of American Society for Clinical Pathology. All rights reserved. For commercial re-use, please contact reprints@oup.com for reprints and translation rights for reprints. All other permissions can be obtained through our RightsLink service via the Permissions link on the article page on our site—for further information please contact journals.permissions@oup.com.