Articles below are published ahead of final publication in an issue. Please cite articles in the following format: authors, (year), title, journal, DOI.

Twitter/X 上的《外科肿瘤学十大年鉴》原创文章:2020-2023。

The Top Ten Annals of Surgical Oncology Original Articles on Twitter/X: 2020-2023.

发表日期:2024 Aug 13
作者: Anish J Jain, Kurt Schultz, Micah J Brainerd, Gilbert Z Murimwa, Andrew M Fleming, Nadege Fackche, Esra Bilir, Akiko Chiba, Allison N Martin, Puneet Singh, Christopher P Childers, Lindsay R Freidman, Nabeel Zafar, Zaid Abdelsattar, Chandler Cortina, Camille Stewart, Michael D Cowher, Sabha Ganai, Belen Merck, Govind Nandakumar, Prakash K Pandalai, Raja R Narayan, Syed A Ahmad


社交媒体在社会中已经变得无处不在,特别是考虑到它能够快速、广泛地传播新闻、事件和信息。许多外科学会越来越多地使用社交媒体平台来宣传会议和外科期刊,以提高已发表内容的可见度。 2020 年 9 月,《肿瘤外科年鉴》(ASO) 成立了社交媒体委员会 (SMC),致力于稳步提高社交媒体平台 X(以前称为 Twitter)上已发布内容的可见度。本次审核的目的是根据提及总数,重点介绍自 SMC 成立以来 X 上参与度最高的 10 篇 ASO 原创文章。这些文章涵盖了不同肿瘤学科的广泛主题,包括肝胆胰、乳腺和妇科手术。© 2024。外科肿瘤学会。
Social media has become omnipresent in society, especially given that it enables the rapid and widespread communication of news, events, and information. Social media platforms have become increasingly used by numerous surgical societies to promote meetings and surgical journals to increase the visibility of published content. In September 2020, Annals of Surgical Oncology (ASO) established its Social Media Committee (SMC), which has worked to steadily increase the visibility of published content on social media platforms, namely X (formerly known as Twitter). The purpose of this review is to highlight the 10 ASO original articles with the most engagement on X, based on total number of mentions, since the founding of the SMC. These articles encompass a wide variety of topics from various oncologic disciplines including hepatopancreatobiliary, breast, and gynecologic surgery.© 2024. Society of Surgical Oncology.