This is a successful removal of more than 450 pieces of metal objects from a patient's stomach: a case report.
发表日期:2024 Aug 16
Farbod Farhadi, Ahmadreza Mohtadi, Mostafa Pakmehr, Hossein Ghaedamini, Fatemeh Shafieian, Seyed Abolfazl Aminifar
在患有精神健康问题的患者中,可能会无意识或有意地摄入异物。大多数病例缓慢通过食道;然而,在某些情况下,肿瘤可能位于消化道较狭窄的区域,需要内窥镜或手术干预。这项研究描述了阿瓦士伊玛目霍梅尼医院通过摄入异物从一名 36 岁男子胃中成功取出 450 多件金属物体的罕见病例。一名 36 岁男性患者(雅利安人)种族)主诉慢性腹痛、频繁呕吐以及对液体和食物不耐受。该患者的同伴提到了 3 个月前逐渐摄入小金属物体的病史。患者意识清醒,生命体征平稳。在患者的X光和内窥镜检查中,观察到患者胃内有多处金属物体,导致胃出口梗阻。患者接受了胃造口手术,从胃中取出了 452 个螺丝、螺母、钥匙、石头和其他金属部件,重达 2900 克。术后五天,患者一般情况良好,被转入精神科,诊断为精神病,随访时病情恢复正常。这种异物成功取出的情况很少见。在慢性腹痛中,特别是在精神疾病的情况下,应注意异物的摄入。在吞咽大量尖锐和金属异物时,必须进行手术干预,尤其是在阻塞的情况下,这可以挽救患者的生命。© 2024。作者。
Ingestion of foreign bodies may be seen unconsciously or intentionally in patients with mental health problems. Most cases pass through the esophagus slowly; however, in some cases, the tumor may be located in narrower areas of the digestive tract that require endoscopic or surgical intervention. This study describes a rare case of successful removal of more than 450 pieces of metal objects from the stomach of a 36-year-old man via ingestion of foreign bodies at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz.A 36-year-old male patient (Aryan race) presented with complaints of chronic abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, and intolerance to liquids and food. The patient's companions mentioned a history of gradual ingestion of small metal objects 3 months prior. The patient was conscious and had stable vital signs. In the patient's X-ray and endoscopy, multiple metal objects inside the patient's stomach were observed, causing gastric outlet obstruction. The patient underwent gastrostomy surgery, and 452 screws, nuts, keys, stones, and other metal parts weighing 2900 g were removed from the stomach. Five days after the operation, the patient was transferred to the psychiatric service in good general condition and was diagnosed with psychosis, and her condition returned to normal at follow-up.Successful removal of this foreign body is rare. In chronic abdominal pain, especially in the context of psychiatric disorders, attention should be given to the ingestion of foreign bodies. In swallowing large amounts of sharp and metallic foreign objects, surgical intervention is necessary, especially in cases of obstruction, and saves the patient's life.© 2024. The Author(s).