In sickness and health - a questionnaire based study regarding immune mediated diseases and neoplasia in Swedish Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
发表日期:2024 Aug 15
Malin Nilsson, Sergey V Kozyrev, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Henrik Rönnberg, Helene Hansson-Hamlin
Immunity & Ageing
新斯科舍猎鸭寻回犬(NSDTR)此前曾被强调为有患免疫介导疾病和癌症风险的品种。免疫反应对于肿瘤疾病的发展非常重要,免疫反应失调可能导致癌症。 NSDTR 中两种常见的免疫介导疾病是免疫介导的风湿病 (IMRD)(与影响人类的系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE) 相似)和类固醇反应性脑膜炎动脉炎 (SRMA)(一种非感染性炎症)脑膜和软脑膜血管。这项调查研究的目的是根据主人的信息调查瑞典 NSDTR 中免疫介导的疾病和肿瘤的终生患病率。研究设计是横断面的。我们向 4102 名拥有或曾经拥有 NSDTR 的人发送了一份调查问卷。这些问题涉及有关狗及其整体健康状况以及特定疾病的信息。答复率为 30%,其中包括 935 条活 NSDTR,相当于瑞典当前登记人口的约 20% (n = 4564),以及 177 条。死狗。接受调查的狗分布在不同的年龄和性别,与一般狗群的典型人口统计特征相对应。在 935 名活着的个体中,据报告有 28 只狗(3%)先前被诊断患有 IMRD,33 只狗(3.5%)据报告先前被诊断患有 SRMA,据报道一只狗同时被诊断为 SRMA 和 IMRD。据报道,有 129 只狗(14%)患有或曾经患有某种肿瘤。对于死狗 (n = 177),几乎 40% 的主人报告肿瘤形成是死亡/安乐死的主要原因。这项研究报告,在瑞典 NSDTR 的研究人群中,估计 IMRD 和 SRMA 的终生患病率分别为 3.0 和分别为3.5%。在这项研究中,据报道 14% 的活狗 (n = 935) 患有某种肿瘤,近 40% 的死亡狗 (n = 177) 因肿瘤或怀疑有肿瘤而被安乐死。© 2024。作者。
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR) has previously been highlighted as a breed at risk for developing immune mediated diseases and cancer. The immune response is of great importance for the development of neoplastic disease and a dysregulated immune response may predispose to cancer. Two of the commonly seen immune mediated diseases in NSDTRs are immune mediated rheumatic disease (IMRD), which bears similarities to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) affecting humans, and steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA), which is a non-infectious inflammation of the meninges and the leptomeningeal vessels. The aim of this survey study was to investigate the lifetime prevalence of immune mediated diseases and tumors among Swedish NSDTRs based on owners' information. The study design was cross-sectional. A questionnaire was sent to 4102 persons who owned or had previously owned a NSDTR. The questions concerned information about the dog and its overall health status as well as specific diseases.The response rate was 30%, including 935 live NSDTRs, corresponding to approximately 20% of the current population registered in Sweden (n = 4564), and 177 dead dogs. The surveyed dogs were spread over different ages and sex and corresponded to the typical demographic profile of the general dog population. Of the 935 individuals that were alive, 28 dogs (3%) were reported as previously diagnosed with IMRD and 33 dogs (3.5%) were reported as previously diagnosed with SRMA, one dog was reported to have been diagnosed with both SRMA and IMRD. There were 129 dogs (14%) reported to have or have had a neoplasia of some kind. For the dead dogs (n = 177), almost 40% of the owners reported neoplasia as the main reason for death/euthanasia.This study reports an estimated lifetime prevalence of IMRD and SRMA, in the studied population of Swedish NSDTRs, of 3.0 and 3.5% respectively. In this study, 14% of the living dogs (n = 935) were reported to have a neoplasia of some kind and almost 40% of the deceased dogs (n = 177) were euthanized due to neoplasia or suspicion of it.© 2024. The Author(s).