体外负载伊立替康的 DC 珠、Callisphere 和多模态成像纳米组装微球的比较研究。
A Comparative Study of DC Beads, Callispheres and Multimodal Imaging Nano-Assembled Microspheres Loaded with Irinotecan in Vitro.
Jieyu Wang, Shaoya Zhang, Yiwei He, Wan Sun, Xiaoyang Zhu, Zihan Xi, Qian Ma, Yuanxin Ye, Ziyang Song, Yuqing Zhang, Guoliang Shao
简介:近年来,开发可成像的药物洗脱栓塞珠已成为满足临床需求的研究热点。在我们之前的研究中,我们成功开发了用于多模态成像的纳米组装微球(NAM)。 NAM 不仅可以在 CT/MR/拉曼成像下可视化,还可以加载临床所需剂量的阿霉素。系统地比较 NAM 与市售 DC Beads 和 CalliSpheres 的药代动力学对于评估 NAM 的临床应用潜力非常重要。方法:在我们的研究中,我们比较了 NAM 与两种类型的药物洗脱微珠 (DEB) 的伊立替康、载药量、释放曲线、微球直径变化和形态特征。结果:我们的结果表明,NAM 的伊立替康负载能力与 DC Beads 和 CalliSpheres 相似,但在体外表现出更好的持续释放。结论:NAMs在经导管动脉化疗栓塞治疗结直肠癌肝转移方面具有巨大的应用潜力。
Introduction: In recent years, the development of drug-eluting embolization beads that can be imaged has become a hot research topic in regard to meeting clinical needs. In our previous study, we successfully developed nano-assembled microspheres (NAMs) for multimodal imaging purposes. NAMs can not only be visualized under CT/MR/Raman imaging but can also load clinically required doses of doxorubicin. It is important to systematically compare the pharmacokinetics of NAMs with those of commercially available DC Beads and CalliSpheres to evaluate the clinical application potential of NAMs. Methods: In our study, we compared NAMs with two types of drug-eluting beads (DEBs) in terms of irinotecan, drug-loading capacity, release profiles, microsphere diameter variation, and morphological characteristics. Results: Our results indicate that NAMs had an irinotecan loading capacity similar to those of DC Beads and CalliSpheres but exhibited better sustained release in vitro. Conclusion: NAMs have great potential for application in transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for the treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases.