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Time trends and excess mortality compared to population controls after a first-time pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis.

发表日期:2024 Aug 23
作者: Katarina Glise Sandblad, Carl Johan Svensson, Kristina Svennerholm, Jacob Philipson, Aldina Pivodic, Sam Schulman, Mazdak Tavoly


与普通人群相比,关于肺栓塞 (PE) 和深静脉血栓 (DVT) 患者死亡率过高的时间趋势的最新数据很少。2006-2018 年瑞典全国登记研究,包括与人群对照相匹配的 68,960 例 PE 和 70,949 例 DVT 病例。泊松回归确定 30 天和一年死亡率趋势的相对风险 (RR),而考克斯回归确定调整后的风险比 (aHR)。采用 0.001 的显着性水平。在 PE 病例中,30 天死亡率(2006 年为 12.5%,2018 年为 7.8%,RR 0.95 95% CI 0.95-0.96,p<0.0001)和一年死亡率(26.5 % 降至 22.1%,RR 0.98 0.97-0.98,p<0.0001)在研究期间下降。与对照组相比,30 天(aHR 33.08 25.12 - 43.55 至 24.64 18.81 - 32.27,与日历年的交互作用,p=0.0015)或一年(aHR 5.85 5.31-6.45)没有观察到显着变化至 7.07 95% CI 6.43-7.78, p=0.038) 超额死亡率。对于基线前没有已知癌症的 PE 患者,30 天超额死亡率显着下降 (aHR 39.93 28.47-56.00) 至 24.63 17.94-33.83,p=0.0009),而一年超额死亡率则增加 (aHR 3.55 ) 3.16 - 3.99 至 5.38 4.85 - 5.98, p<0.0001) 在 PE 病例中幸存并服用抗凝药物。在 DVT 病例中,30 天和一年死亡率下降,而与对照组相比,超额死亡率保持稳定。一般来说,PE 和 DVT 后死亡率的改善与人口趋势一致。然而,没有癌症的肺栓塞病例的超额 30 天死亡率有所下降,而那些幸存并服用抗凝药物处方的患者则表现出超额一年死亡率增加。这是 Thieme 根据知识共享署名-非衍生-非商业许可条款发表的开放获取文章,只要对原始作品给予适当的署名,就允许复制和复制。内容不得用于商业目的,也不得改编、重新混合、转换或构建。 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)。
Recent data on temporal trends in excess mortality for patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) compared to the general population is scarce.A nationwide Swedish register study 2006-2018 including 68,960 PE and 70,949 DVT cases matched with population controls. Poisson regression determined relative risk (RR) for 30-day and one-year mortality trends while Cox regression determined adjusted hazard ratios (aHR). A significance level of 0.001 was applied.In PE cases, both 30-day mortality (12.5% in 2006 to 7.8% in 2018, RR 0.95 95% CI 0.95-0.96, p<0.0001) and one-year mortality (26.5% to 22.1%, RR 0.98 0.97-0.98, p<0.0001) decreased during the study period. Compared to controls, no significant change was seen in 30-day (aHR 33.08 25.12 - 43.55 to 24.64 18.81 - 32.27, p=0.0015 for interaction with calendar year) or one-year (aHR 5.85 5.31-6.45 to 7.07 95% CI 6.43-7.78, p=0.038) excess mortality. The 30-day excess mortality decreased significantly (aHR 39.93 28.47-56.00) to 24.63 17.94-33.83, p=0.0009) in patients with PE without known cancer before baseline, while the excess one-year mortality increased (aHR 3.55 3.16 - 3.99 to 5.38 4.85 - 5.98, p<0.0001) in PE cases surviving to fill a prescription of anticoagulation. In DVT cases, 30-day and one-year mortality declined while excess mortality compared to controls remained stable.In general, the improved mortality following PE and DVT paralleled population trends. However, PE cases without cancer had decreasing excess 30-day mortality, whereas those surviving to fill a prescription for anticoagulant medication showed increasing excess one-year mortality.The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).