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SF method for removing small skin melanocytic nevus.

作者: Jianfei Zhang, Kaixi Tan, Yujun Tang, Xia Xiao, Feng Yang, Jie Chen
来源: Burns & Trauma


最常见的良性皮肤肿瘤是黑素细胞痣,它有可能癌变并经常损害患者的外观。寻找一种标准化的手术程序来去除微小的皮​​肤色素痣,并研究 SF 技术的有效性.对2022年6月至2023年6月期间的723例小色素痣患者进行了回顾性研究。采用SF法去除色素痣,记录患者的整体健康状况和手术持续时间。术后三个月,患者填写问卷,评估疗效、复发、并发症、手术效果满意度等。与常规方法相比,SF法具有手术时间短、有效率高、无复发等优点。术后6个月并发症少,疤痕增生少,所有患者评价满意度良好。没有患者被评为一般或较差。无复发。采用SF法的初级医师可以轻松掌握小面积黑素细胞痣切除的标准化手术方法,使其成为实用的工具。© 2024 张,谭,唐,肖,杨和陈。
The most prevalent benign skin tumor is a melanocytic nevus, which can potentially turn cancerous and frequently impair a patient's appearance.To find a standardized surgical procedure for the removal of tiny skin pigmented nevis and to look into the effectiveness of the SF technique for doing so.A retrospective study was conducted on 723 patients with small-sized pigmented nevi between June 2022 and June 2023. The nevi were removed using the SF method, and the patients' overall health and the duration of the procedure were recorded. Three months following the procedure, the patients completed a questionnaire to assess the effectiveness, recurrence, complications, and degree of satisfaction with the surgical outcome.Compared with the normal method, SF method had shorter operation time, higher effective rate, no recurrence and other postoperative complications after 6 months, less scar hyperplasia, and good evaluation satisfaction of all patients. No patient was rated as average or poor. No recurrence.The standardized surgical approaches for the small-size excision of melanocytic nevuses may be easily mastered by primary practitioners using the SF method, making it a valuable tool for practical use.© 2024 Zhang, Tan, Tang, Xiao, Yang and Chen.