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Low Radiation Doses in Oncocytic Lesions of the Parotid Gland: A Double-edged Sword. A Comprehensive Review.

作者: Antonio Pontoriero, Paola Critelli, Marco Zeppieri, Anna Brogna, Filippo Flavio Angileri, Antonino Bottari, Alberto Stagno, Silvana Parisi, Stefano Pergolizzi
来源: Cellular & Molecular Immunology


嗜酸细胞病变代表一组良性和潜在癌前肿瘤,其特征是嗜酸性细胞(大的颗粒状嗜酸性细胞)积聚。诊断腮腺中的嗜酸细胞病变通常涉及成像技术的组合,例如超声、计算机断层扫描 (CT) 扫描和磁共振成像 (MRI)。细针抽吸(FNA)活检结合组织病理学检查仍然是这些病变的主要诊断工具。准确的诊断对于适当的管理决策至关重要。腮腺嗜酸细胞病变的治疗选择包括手术、保守治疗和放射治疗 (RT)。然而,在头部和颈部区域,辐射剂量可能是一把双刃剑。虽然放疗是一种治疗方式,但低辐射剂量会促进腮腺嗜酸细胞病变的发展。嗜酸细胞病变患者的预后通常良好,特别是当病变为良性且处理得当时。目前的研究重点是低剂量辐射照射引起的嗜酸细胞病变的分子机制。低辐射剂量后这些病变的发展代表了一个重要的临床问题。本手稿全面概述了当前有关腮腺嗜酸细胞病变的知识,包括危险因素、诊断、治疗选择和正在进行的研究,为临床医生和研究人员提供了宝贵的见解。
Oncocytic lesions represent a group of benign and potentially precancerous tumors characterized by the accumulation of oncocytes, which are large, granular, and eosinophilic cells. Diagnosing oncocytic lesions in the parotid gland typically involves a combination of imaging techniques, such as ultrasound, Computed Tomography (CT) scans, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy with histopathological examination remains the primary diagnostic tool for these lesions. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate management decisions. Treatment options for oncocytic lesions in the parotid gland include surgery, conservative management, and radiation therapy (RT). However, in the head and neck region, radiation doses can be a double-edged sword. While RT is a treatment modality, low radiation doses can promote the development of oncocytic lesions in the parotid gland. The prognosis for patients with oncocytic lesions is generally favorable, especially when the lesions are benign and appropriately managed. Current research focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying oncocytic lesions in response to low-dose radiation exposure. The development of these lesions following low radiation doses represents a significant clinical concern. This manuscript provides a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge regarding oncocytic lesions in the parotid gland, including risk factors, diagnosis, treatment options, and ongoing research, offering valuable insights for clinicians and researchers.