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创新的基因剪刀策略及其在癌症治疗和预防中的应用:CRISPR 模块和挑战。

Innovative genetic scissor strategies and their applications in cancer treatment and prevention: CRISPR modules and challenges.

发表日期:2024 Aug 30
作者: Sayedeh Azimeh Hosseini, Fatemeh Elahian, Seyed Abbas Mirzaei
来源: Int J Biol Macromol


有很多针对基因组序列的基因编辑工具。有些几乎是众所周知的,而大多数却完全是个谜,未被发现。 CRISPR/Cas编辑工具给医学带来了一场重大革命。研究人员已经证明,CRISPR 可以比以前的方法更准确、更经济、更容易地修改 DNA。 CRISPR 已被证明能够有效地将 DNA 片段删除、替换和插入到细胞类型、组织和生物体中。最近,将CRISPR/Cas与因子(转录因子/阻遏物、核酸外切酶、核酸内切酶、转座子、半胱天冬酶、荧光蛋白、氧化还原酶、DNA/RNA聚合酶)和元件(适体、条形码、荧光探针、触发器)相结合,提供了基因组、转录组、蛋白质组和表观基因组修饰。这些模块正在研究用于癌症预防和治疗,本次综述重点关注此类创新组合,希望在不久的将来成为临床现实。版权所有 © 2024。由 Elsevier B.V. 出版。
There are lots of gene editing tools for targeting genome sequences. Some are almost known, and most are a complete mystery and undiscovered. CRISPR/Cas editing tools have brought about a major revolution in medicine. Researchers have shown that CRISPR can modify DNA much more accurately, economically and easily than previous methods. CRISPR has proven itself effective for the deletion, replacement and insertion of DNA fragments into cell types, tissues and organisms. Recently, combining CRISPR/Cas with factors (transcription factors/repressors, exonucleases, endonucleases, transposons, caspase, fluorescent proteins, oxidoreductive enzymes, DNA/RNA polymerases), and elements (aptamers, barcodes, fluorescent probes, Trigger) have provided genome, transcriptome, proteome and epigenome modification. These modules are being investigated for cancer prevention and therapy and this review focuses on such innovative combinations that hopefully will become a clinical reality in the near future.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.