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用于骨植入物的 3D 打印生物聚合物/黑磷纳米支架:综述。

3D printed biopolymer/black phosphorus nanoscaffolds for bone implants: A review.

发表日期:2024 Aug 30
作者: Nannan Wu, Jinghong Li, Xinyu Li, Ran Wang, Lexin Zhang, Zhiwei Liu, Tifeng Jiao
来源: Int J Biol Macromol


骨植入是公认的有效治疗骨缺损的手段之一,但骨质疏松及骨肿瘤相关的骨异常存在易感染、愈合困难、治疗效果差等一系列问题,这对骨缺损的治疗提出了巨大的挑战。临床医学。可以使用 3D 打印来打印三维物体。研究人员可以将材料逐层送入打印机,以创建 3D 结构所需的形状。它广泛应用于骨缺损的治疗,是增材制造技术的一种改进形式,具有广阔的应用前景。本综述的目的是概述近年来有关3D打印生物聚合物的研究报告,概述用于3D打印骨植入物的生物聚合物材料及其与黑磷的复合材料,并总结复合材料的表征方法。此外,总结了基于墨水打印和激光打印的3D打印方法,指出了它们的特点和优势,并为黑磷基材料提供了光热治疗与骨再生材料的结合策略。最后,概述了骨植入材料与免疫细胞、生物环境之间的关联以及 3D 打印骨植入物的前景。版权所有 © 2024。由 Elsevier B.V. 出版。
Bone implantation is one of the recognized and effective means of treating bone defects, but osteoporosis and bone tumor-related bone abnormalities have a series of problems such as susceptibility to infection, difficulty in healing, and poor therapeutic effect, which poses a great challenge to clinical medicine. Three-dimensional things may be printed using 3D printing. Researchers can feed materials through the printer layer by layer to create the desired shape for a 3D structure. It is widely employed in the healing of bone defects, and it is an improved form of additive manufacturing technology with prospective future applications. This review's objective is to provide an overview of the findings reports pertaining to 3D printing biopolymers in recent years, provide an overview of biopolymer materials and their composites with black phosphorus for 3D printing bone implants, and the characterization methods of composite materials are also summarized. In addition, summarizes 3D printing methods based on ink printing and laser printing, pointing out their special features and advantages, and provide a combination strategy of photothermal therapy and bone regeneration materials for black phosphorus-based materials. Finally, the associations between bone implant materials and immune cells, the bio-environment, as well as the 3D printing bone implants prospects are outlined.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.