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Nanomolecular machines: Pioneering precision medicine for neoplastic diseases through advanced diagnosis and treatment.

发表日期:2024 Aug 30
作者: Ruming Li, Jialu Qian, Xiao Zhu, Tao Tao, Xiaorong Zhou
来源: Bba-Mol Basis Dis


肿瘤对人类健康构成重大威胁,每年约占全球死亡人数的六分之一。主要治疗方法包括手术、放疗、化疗和免疫疗法,每种疗法都伴随着显着的副作用。这推动了对副作用更少、特异性更高的新疗法的寻找。纳米技术已成为这方面一个有前途的领域,特别是纳米级的纳米分子机器。纳米分子机器通常由蛋白质、DNA 和 RNA 等生物大分子构建。这些机器可以通过编程来按照精确的指令执行专门的任务。最近的研究强调了它们在肿瘤诊断方面的潜力——识别易感基因、检测病毒和查明肿瘤标志物。纳米分子机器还为肿瘤治疗带来了进步。它们可以通过提供化疗药物和增强免疫疗法来减少传统治疗的副作用,并支持声动力疗法和光疗等创新疗法。此外,它们还可以通过阻塞血管来饿死肿瘤,并通过破坏细胞膜或溶酶体来消除肿瘤。本文对分子机器研究的最新成果进行分类和解释,探讨其模型以及在肿瘤诊断和治疗中的实际临床应用。它旨在拓宽研究视角并加速这些技术的临床应用。版权所有 © 2024。由 Elsevier B.V. 出版。
Tumors pose a major threat to human health, accounting for nearly one-sixth of global deaths annually. The primary treatments include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy, each associated with significant side effects. This has driven the search for new therapies with fewer side effects and greater specificity. Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising field in this regard, particularly nanomolecular machines at the nanoscale. Nanomolecular machines are typically constructed from biological macromolecules like proteins, DNA, and RNA. These machines can be programmed to perform specialized tasks with precise instructions. Recent research highlights their potential in tumor diagnostics-identifying susceptibility genes, detecting viruses, and pinpointing tumor markers. Nanomolecular machines also offer advancements in tumor therapy. They can reduce traditional treatment side effects by delivering chemotherapy drugs and enhancing immunotherapy, and they support innovative treatments like sonodynamic and phototherapy. Additionally, they can starve tumors by blocking blood vessels, and eliminate tumors by disrupting cell membranes or lysosomes. This review categorizes and explains the latest achievements in molecular machine research, explores their models, and practical clinical uses in tumor diagnosis and treatment. It aims to broaden the research perspective and accelerate the clinical adoption of these technologies.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.