The skinny on skin: The role of skin-aware professionals in skin cancer surveillance.
发表日期:2024 Sep 01
Kyra Diehl, Jacob Nelson, Olivia Haddadin, Elizabeth Stoos, Autumn Shafer, Amy Mason, Deb Girard, Theresa Malcolm, Alan C Geller, Emile Latour, Elizabeth Bailey, Jade N Young, Hannah Zhao, Jordan Gillespie, Hailey Pfeifer, Claudia Lee, Moira Shea, Mallory DeCampos-Stairiker, Jake Smith, Alyssa Becker, Gina N Bash, Vikram Sahni, Yichen Fan, Elena Paz Munoz, David Baron, Nadia Popovici, Victoria E Orfaly, Wenelia Baghoomian, Emilie Foltz, Kristen Kahlen, Stephanie Savory, Heidi Jacobe, Sancy A Leachman
Burns & Trauma
获得许可的非医疗、皮肤意识专业人士(例如美发师、按摩治疗师等)有潜力识别皮肤癌,但基线知识可能不足以实现这一目标。教育干预后,自我效能是行为改变的最佳替代指标之一。增加知识和信心水平的课程可以改善筛查行为,但很少在这一人群中进行有效性测试 目的:我们评估了在线课程是否可以可靠地改善非医疗专业人员的皮肤筛查知识、态度和行为 患者/方法:皮肤-通过俄勒冈州卫生局和 IMPACT Melanoma TM 招募了具有相关意识的专业人员。参与者完成了预调查、在线培训模块、后调查和一年的跟踪调查。我们评估了参与者相对于“黄金标准”医生评级对可疑和非可疑病变的关注程度。我们还评估了与客户谈论皮肤癌并建议他们去看医疗服务提供者评估可疑病变的信心和自我报告的行为变化。 结果:预调查由 9872 名具有皮肤意识的专业人士完成; 5434人完成事后调查,162人完成一年跟踪调查。参与者在根据“金标准”医生评级对所有病变类型表示正确关注程度的能力方面表现出显着提高(p<0.001)。参与者表示,培训后与客户讨论健康相关话题的舒适度有所提高。 结论:我们的培训模块有效提高了皮肤意识专业人员对恶性病变的知识、信心和关注度。具有皮肤意识的专业人员可能会成为皮肤自我检查的宝贵延伸,但需要进行更多研究来评估这些课程的长期影响,包括潜在的下游后果。© 2024 作者。 《美容皮肤病学杂志》由 Wiley periodicals LLC 出版。
Licensed nonmedical, skin-aware professionals (e.g., hairdressers, massage therapists, etc.) have the potential to identify skin cancer, but baseline knowledge may not be sufficient to accomplish this goal. Following educational intervention, self-efficacy is one of the best surrogate metrics for behavior change. Curricula that increase knowledge and confidence levels can improve screening behaviors, but few have been tested for efficacy in this population AIMS: We assessed whether an online curriculum could reliably improve skin screening knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of nonmedical professionals PATIENTS/METHODS: Skin-aware professionals were recruited through the Oregon Health Authority and IMPACT Melanoma TM. Participants completed a pre-survey, online training module, post-survey, and one-year follow-up survey. We evaluated participants' indicated levels of concern for suspicious and nonsuspicious lesions relative to "gold standard" physician ratings. We also assessed confidence and self-reported behavior change regarding talking to clients about skin cancer and recommending they see a provider to evaluate suspicious lesions RESULTS: The pre-survey was completed by 9872 skin-aware professionals; 5434 completed the post-survey, and 162 completed the one-year follow-up survey. Participants showed a significant improvement in ability to indicate the correct level of concern for all lesion types in concordance with "gold standard" physician ratings (p < 0.001). Participants reported increased comfort levels in discussing health-related topics with their clients posttraining CONCLUSIONS: Our training module effectively increased skin-aware professionals' knowledge, confidence, and concern for malignant lesions. Skin-aware professionals may serve as a valuable extension of the skin self-exam, but additional studies are needed to evaluate the impact of these curricula long-term, including potential downstream consequences.© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.