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Endovascular surgical neuro-oncology: advancing a new subspecialty.

发表日期:2024 Sep 02
作者: Christopher C Young, Peter Kan, Stephen R Chen, Frederick F Lang
来源: Brain Structure & Function


血管内神经肿瘤外科是一个相对较新的亚专业,它使用血管内神经介入技术来治疗神经系统肿瘤和肿瘤相关的血管疾病。尽管有几种血管内手术被广泛用作护理标准诊断和治疗辅助手段,但人们对探索血管内方法作为选择性动脉内递送治疗药物至神经系统肿瘤的手段重新产生了兴趣,包括方法用于打开血脑和血肿瘤屏障。在这篇综述中,我们讨论了过去 40 年来各种形式的血管内动脉内治疗肿瘤的历史发展,总结了目前采用的血管内治疗方法,并重点介绍了当前的临床试验。© 2024。作者,获得 Springer Science Business Media, LLC(Springer Nature 旗下公司)的独家许可。
Endovascular surgical neuro-oncology is a relatively new subspecialty which uses endovascular neuro-interventional techniques for the management of nervous system tumors and tumor-related vascular conditions. Although there are several endovascular procedures that are widely available as standard-of-care diagnostic and treatment adjuncts, there has been a renewed interest to explore endovascular approaches as a means for selective intra-arterial delivery of therapeutic agents to nervous system tumors, including methods for opening the blood brain and blood tumor barriers. In this review, we discuss the historical development of various forms of endovascular intra-arterial treatment for tumors over the past 40 years, summarize endovascular approaches that are currently being employed, and highlight current clinical trials.© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.