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Future of Telemedicine in Radiation Oncology.

发表日期:2024 Oct
作者: Sean M McBride, Helen K Hughes, Shannon M MacDonald


远程医疗允许提供者和患者通过视频平台或电话在不在同一个房间的情况下进行交流。就像企业越来越多地使用远程办公一样,远程医疗在大流行期间呈爆炸式增长。尽管许多工作场所和诊所已经恢复了一定程度的面对面互动,但便利性和舒适性赋予了远程医疗持久的力量。可以在舒适的家中看到患者;家庭成员可以从相同或不同的位置加入。开车、托儿服务或请假都是不必要的。儿科患者的父母可以在适当的时候将他们拉入谈话中,避免让他们离开部分讨论的尴尬。由于虚拟访问对每个人来说都更有效,因此通常可以比亲自访问更早安排。虽然并非每次就诊都可以在患者不在医疗服务提供者身边的情况下完成,但很多都可以。对于癌症患者来说尤其如此,他们经常会多次拜访多个医疗服务提供者。对于免疫功能低下的患者来说,避免因旅行和去医院就诊而接触病毒还有一个额外的好处。肿瘤学和放射肿瘤学实践已广泛采用远程医疗。虽然世界某些地区存在法律和后勤障碍,但这些障碍一定会得到解决,以使这种药物在现代为所有人所用。版权所有 © 2024。由 Elsevier Inc. 出版。
Telemedicine allows providers and patients to communicate without being in the same room through video platforms or telephone. Like the increased use of telework for businesses, telemedicine exploded during the pandemic. While many workplaces and clinics have returned to some level of in-person interactions, the convenience and comfort have given telemedicine staying power. Patients can be seen from the comfort of their homes; family members can join from the same or a different location. Driving, obtaining childcare, or taking time off from work is unnecessary. Pediatric patients' parents can pull them into the conversation at appropriate times and avoid the awkwardness of having them leave for portions of the discussion. Because virtual visits are more efficient for everyone, they can often be scheduled sooner than an in-person visit. While not every visit can be done without the patient physically with the provider, many can. This is particularly true for cancer patients, who often have several visits with multiple providers. For immunocompromised patients, there is an added benefit of avoiding exposure from travel and a hospital visit. Oncology and radiation oncology practices have widely adopted telemedicine. While legal and logistical barriers exist in some areas of the world, these are sure to be resolved to make this medicine feasible for all in the modern era.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc.