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GPCR CysLTR1/2 介导的信号通路在黑素细胞增殖和衰老中的作用。

The role of signaling pathways mediated by the GPCRs CysLTR1/2 in melanocyte proliferation and senescence.

发表日期:2024 Sep 17
作者: Thomas Huber, Mizuho Horioka-Duplix, Yuanhuang Chen, Victoria R Saca, Emilie Ceraudo, Yu Chen, Thomas P Sakmar
来源: Science Signaling


与阳光照射诱发的黑色素瘤相比,较罕见的黑色素细胞肿瘤和突变负荷较低的肿瘤为研究孤立的信号传导机制提供了机会。这些包括葡萄膜黑色素瘤和蓝痣,它们通常是由半胱氨酰白三烯受体 2 下游的 G 蛋白偶联信号级联内的突变驱动的。在这里,我们回顾了该通路中的相同突变如何驱动一种组织中黑色素细胞的生长,但也可以抑制另一个细胞的生长,例证了组织环境在不受控制的细胞生长和衰老之间的微妙平衡中的作用。
In contrast with sun exposure-induced melanoma, rarer melanocytic tumors and neoplasms with low mutational burden present opportunities to study isolated signaling mechanisms. These include uveal melanoma and blue nevi, which are often driven by mutations within the G protein-coupled signaling cascade downstream of cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2. Here, we review how the same mutations within this pathway drive the growth of melanocytes in one tissue but can inhibit the growth of those in another, exemplifying the role of the tissue environment in the delicate balance between uncontrolled cell growth and senescence.