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Microbes and mood: innovative biomarker approaches in depression.

发表日期:2024 Sep 30
作者: Miranda Green, Madhukar H Trivedi, Jane A Foster


尽管精神病学领域在生物标志物发现方面取得了进展,但我们改变长期结果的能力仍然不足。将个体与最佳治疗相匹配是一项持续的临床挑战。此外,新疗法的开发在一定程度上受到阻碍,因为对导致临床异质性的个体差异背后的生物学机制了解有限。肠道微生物组已成为从代谢紊乱到癌症等疾病的深入研究领域。这些领域的创新带来了转化性突破,提供了新颖的微生物学方法,可以改善患者的治疗结果。在这篇综述中,我们探讨了转化微生物组研究如何推动心理健康领域生物标志物的发现,重点关注抑郁症。版权所有 © 2024。由 Elsevier Ltd 出版。
Although the field of psychiatry has made gains in biomarker discovery, our ability to change long-term outcomes remains inadequate. Matching individuals to the best treatment for them is a persistent clinical challenge. Moreover, the development of novel treatments has been hampered in part due to a limited understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying individual differences that contribute to clinical heterogeneity. The gut microbiome has become an area of intensive research in conditions ranging from metabolic disorders to cancer. Innovation in these spaces has led to translational breakthroughs, offering novel microbiome-informed approaches that may improve patient outcomes. In this review we examine how translational microbiome research is poised to advance biomarker discovery in mental health, with a focus on depression.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Ltd.